Fresh grad struggling with work

I want to know how I can be less anxious at work.

I just graduated and am in my first job (6 months in). Ever since secondary school, most of my time has been spent studying.
Now that I’m at work, I want to have a good work life balance. To me, that means working 8.30-6, only. However, I find myself worried and thinking about work on weekends, and after work. Most days now, I sleep at 9.30/10 so that I can wake up at 6.30am to leave for work.

Work is quite hectic, and I guess it’s also my negative thoughts that makes work harder than it should be. I have supportive work colleagues, and I have made my feelings known before. I went for counselling because the work load was too much for me at one point, and I got anxious. End November to December is better because the work load is lesser as most people go on holidays.

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Hi @Angrybird

Thank you for sharing your struggles with us, I appreciate your vulnerability. I can see that maintaining a healthy work-life balance is important to you, and it’s commendable that you’ve taken steps to work on your anxiety, including seeking counseling and communicating with your colleagues. Let’s explore a couple of strategies to help you manage anxiety at work:

  1. Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques: Incorporating mindfulness or relaxation exercises into your routine can be helpful :slight_smile: This could include deep breathing exercises, short meditation sessions, or even a brief walk during breaks. These practices can help you stay present and manage stress.

  2. Setting Boundaries: It might be good to establish clear boundaries between work and personal time. When you leave the office or log off from work, make a conscious effort to shift your focus to personal activities, by creating a clear separation between work and leisure which can help reduce anxiety during your non-working hours. For example, not responding to your work emails or work calls can be helpful to set boundaries.

I’m also curious to know, have you explored any specific mindfulness or relaxation techniques before, and if so, how did they work for you? Additionally, what steps have you taken to communicate your boundaries effectively to your colleagues and ensure they are respected?

I am also thinking it might be a good idea to continue your counselling sessions to help you cope better with the situation, and find new strategies to help you manage the negative thoughts as well.

Do share with us your thoughts and what else have been going through your mind lately, we’ll be here to support you.

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Hello @Angrybird

I understand that you feel overwhelmed with the change of phase in life trying to integrate into the workforce.

Actually, you might want to consider practicing mindfulness, self-care. These can help you reduce anxiety at work. Break your tasks into smaller, more manageable parts, it helps to feel that the workload is less overwhelming, you may also prioritize tasks and tackle them one at a time.

Taking short breaks throughout the day can also help reset your mind and reduce stress. Ensure you have a comfortable and organized workspace to minimize external stressors.

Communication is key- don’t be afraid to discuss your concerns with colleagues or supervisors. They might offer support or help you find solutions. Set realistic expectations for yourself and recognize that it’s okay not to be perfect.

If you are feeling tense, you can practice deep breathing exercise while listening to one favourite song of yours. Just take a few minutes to focus on your breath, inhaling deeply for a count of four, holding for four, and exhaling for four and you will find yourself given a break to sustain throughout the day.

If you are tense because of work, communicate with colleagues or your supervisor. For instance, if you’re unsure about a project’s requirements, seek clarification. Effective communication can prevent unnecessary stress. You can also set achievable goals daily. Instead of aiming to complete an entire project in one day, set a goal to finish a specific part or make significant progress.

In order to achieve work-life balance, you must set boundaries, prioritize tasks, learn how to say no, schedule personal time, delegate responsibilities, unplug from work, focus on quality over quantity, and take regular breaks. This will allow you to fulfill both work and personal commitments while prioritizing your own well-being.

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