I haven’t felt this sad in very long. I made a friend this time, a guy (I’m a girl). Friendships are a bit hard for me, because I had some friendship breakups this year, finding out that some of my long time “friends” for years were actually not true friends at all & they were secretly badmouthing me behind my back. I never felt more alone but I really tried to be strong and getting over this eventually
Knowing this new friend at first, I somehow found myself opening up while talking about the school module we were both doing…I guess because we have similar interests, there were naturally a lot of things we cld talk about
I felt comfortable and happy with life as it is, just talking about random things and life experiences
At some point though, we talked more until I felt like the frequency is a bit strange because he has a girlfriend. So I asked and he said they were on a break. I guess honestly I was a little glad, it kind of made sense to me because we were talking a lot
a few weeks later, he suddenly told me he needs to focus on his relationship with his girlfriend & we shouldn’t talk anymore
I’m really sad, maybe I should have seen it coming though, maybe on a break =/= break up & maybe I’m the bad person for talking a lot. I honestly really didn’t want it to become like that
I saw him as a real friend too, I wouldn’t have shared so much if I didn’t. i somehow feel hurt about this although maybe i don’t deserve to be…
I didn’t even know I would be this sad about it, i’m surprised too how down i feel ><