Honestly idk what to do

i went for a sch competition a few months ago with some of my closest friends in sch. Even tho i’m not the smartest (academically) among them i certainly have more experiences in competition in comparison. during it every one of them was disregarding my ideas and just insisting on theirs. They just assume they know better bc they think they r smarter. they wld ignore me or leave me out in group convos. i thought i got along pretty well with every of the members but sometimes i feel it is difficult for me to vibe with others or start convos. My friend group also wld belittle my skills when i tried to talk to them about it i think rly reply and just disregarded my feelings.

I was rly hurt to the point where i wanted to cut them off so next year when we were split in different classes, at first i was just faking it but then i started talking ■■■■ about what they did and they know. then we aren’t talking anymore. honestly i feel like it’s not my job to apologize at least first.

so our friend group also had a tradition to plan a surprise birthday party then i felt like those people intentionally anyhow planned mine then for the next people after mine they did a pretty grand one. this is esp unfair cuz i was the one who started the suggestions and pit quite in a lot of effort in others’ party

mannn sounds like you’re in the midst of figuring out who are your true friends among all that has happened~ The best part about friends is to have fun together and to support each other through ups and downs. If when you feel like your friends arent there for you or not making you feel right, and you’ve communicated this gently and kindly to them + listen to their responses with open heart open mind, then you’ve done what you can for the friendship :people_hugging:
i realise sometimes what we think and feel really arent the whole truth, there’s probably another side of the story from their perspectives, so what we can do is to communicate with empathy and respond best as we can to what is returned :')
i’m sure you’ll find your true friends in time to come!! :grin: