Internally struggling at work - work anxiety

I don’t know if this is a normal feeling but I constantly feel like I don’t really fit in my new workplace and feel bouts of anxiety… which leads me to keeping to myself at work like not being myself and being quieter. Others don’t really seem like they’re also struggling.

Though I’m trying to stay on longer, is this a sign to change job if the feeling persists?

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It’s normal to feel nervous at a new place-- ive been thru this many times… I didn get my probation passed from unfair bad bosses or colleags at Smes.
Its your choice if wanto quit or try to stay on tho. Need to weigh pros and cons

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Hi @corporategurlie

Thank you for writing in and sharing your experiences. Feeling like you don’t fit in at a new workplace is common, especially during the initial adjustment period. Anxiety and self-doubt can creep in, making you question whether you’re in the right place.

It can take time to settle into a new work environment, team, and role. Give yourself a reasonable adjustment period, typically 3-6 months. Every company has its unique culture. If you’re feeling like you don’t fit in, it might be due to cultural differences. It may also help for you to clarify and fully understand what is your role and what’s expected of you.

I encourage you to reflect on your personal preferences, values, and work style. If you’re feeling consistently uncomfortable, it might be a sign that the job isn’t the best fit.

I suggest you may want to consider a job change if you have:

  1. Persistent feelings of anxiety or dread: If your anxiety persists and affects your well-being, it may be time to explore other options.
  2. Lack of support or resources: If you’re not receiving the support or resources you need to succeed in your role, it could be a sign that the company isn’t invested in your growth.
  3. Poor work-life balance: If your job is consistently interfering with your personal life or causing burnout, it may be time to reevaluate.
  4. No opportunities for growth or development: If you’re feeling stagnant or unsupported in your career development, it might be time to explore other options.

Do also consider these next steps:

  1. Communicate with your supervisor or HR: Discuss your concerns and feelings with your supervisor or HR representative. They may be able to offer support, resources, or guidance.
  2. Seek support from colleagues or mentors: Build relationships with colleagues or mentors who can offer advice, guidance, or support.
  3. Reflect on your priorities: Take time to reflect on your priorities, values, and career goals. Ask yourself if this job aligns with your aspirations.
  4. Explore other options: If, after reflection, you decide that this job isn’t the right fit, start exploring other opportunities that align better with your goals, values, and preferences.

Please know that it’s normal to feel uncertain or uncomfortable in a new job. Give yourself time to adjust, and don’t hesitate to seek support or explore other options if needed.:heart:


Hello, thank you for your advices! I realised I’m finding it hard to control my anxiety and overthinking which seeps into my off work hours. My quality of sleep has also been affected lately as I find myself waking up to anxious thoughts.

I’ve considered bringing up certain professional concerns to my supervisor but I don’t think I should be too honest and personal. It was mentioned before that if I dread going to work, it’s a sign that this is not the right fit for me. However, I have concerns that my stint is too short to jump to another job, job hunting is tough from my experience and I’m afraid the next job might not be a good fit too. I feel stuck…

Hi Corporategurlie,

Honestly, I’m experiencing the same thing as you right now T_T. I’m dealing with a lot of work-related anxiety, and this is my first job since graduating (I’ve been here for around 6 months).

The stress has been really getting to me—it’s been hard to sleep, eat, and function properly. I’ve thought about quitting many, many times (almost every day) because my mental health has taken such a hit. I feel like I’m on the verge of collapsing if this continues. I cry until no more tears already HAHHHA

However, like you mentioned, I’m also worried about having a “short stint” on my resume since I’ve only been here for 6 months. At the same time, I’m concerned that it might just be my weak mindset, and if I switch jobs, I might end up feeling the same way :frowning: I’m currently seeking therapy to work on myself, and I really hope things will get better soon.

Just wanted to let you know that you’re not alone, and we’re in this together! If you’re okay with it, I’m open to chatting with you about this—we can discuss how long we should stay in our jobs or whether we should just quit HAHAHA. Jiayous! :muscle:

Oh dear @user1709 what field why u stress?

I posted a post, you can take a look there! hahha happy for any advices you may have too =)

Oh which post? Whats the title of the thread?

Struggling in new job as fresh graduate- very stress and anxious, please help!


Hello @corporategurlie,

I am feeling the EXACT same feeling as you. I am in an SME and tbh i am feeling that i might be losing trust from my supervisor. If you ask me I am like dying inside from self doubt, anxiety and overthinking. My workload isnt a lot but i can help but feeling all over the place which affects my mental health… I tend to forget things wayyyy too easily which affect work performance. And i am thinking about work even during weekends… I also have that same feeling of wanting to quit but i also got a feeling that if I were to quit my current job, I may be feeling and facing the same issues in my next or future job… Because of this thoughts , i claw back my thoughts and i know my resume is gonna be ugly if I were to quit now because I am only 3 mths into my job and I had a 2 year career break to focus on mental health( which didnt work). But i am like suffering so i am not sure what should I do. I just want to say, you are not alone. If you like, we can dm on this platform or even on tele so support each other!

@AnxietyEmployee Oh no Smes can be hard to cope :confused:

I agree, SMEs are hard but then i feel that at this point it is still my problem… even if i go another company, it could be worse and my current situation will still be there