Is it just me

I have been working and going through alot of tough times with the manager. Sometimes the manager’s support is what motivates me to keep going during those times and complete the tasks. But now, the manager is changing scope and no longer handling the same project. Is it normal to feel lost and not sure what to do next?

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Hi @anonymous147! Absolutely, it’s completely normal to feel a sense of uncertainty and even a bit lost when there’s a change in your work dynamic, especially when a supportive manager transitions to a different project. It’s understandable that you may be wondering about the next steps and how to navigate the shift in responsibilities. Consider expressing your feelings to your manager and discussing any concerns or questions you may have about the changes. Additionally, take this opportunity to explore new challenges, set new goals, and seek guidance or mentorship from others in your workplace. Change can be disorienting, but it also presents opportunities for growth and adaptation. Embrace the chance to develop new skills and connections in this evolving work environment. All the best!


@Positiva thank you for the kind words! The feeling of lost and conflict can really be overwhelming sometimes, hopefully it will great again


Hello @anonymous147 :wave:t2:

Thanks for coming on to share about your struggles at work - you feeling overwhelmed and unsure about uncertainty is valid given what you’re going through. I also wanna commend you on your self-awareness to reach out for support to navigate your thoughts and feelings. :slightly_smiling_face:

It sounds like you have a good bond with your manager and this change is making you “feel lost”. I wonder what your sensing about the amount of control you have over this directive? I can imagine feeling very troubled over something that you had no say about; that’s where this concept of locus of control comes in - where you can feel in control of things or outcomes happen beyond your control (this is on a continuum rather than an either-or state) and you can determine how you want to view the change and what you can do about it :slightly_smiling_face:

Also, there seems to be something about your manager that you view rather positively - I wonder what that is for you? Would it be possible to have an open discussion with your manager about this and perhaps come up with an action plan together to see what can be done to ease the transition and help you move forward with projects? Perhaps choosing a time where everyone’s not in a hurry and sharing your thoughts with I statements: I think/feel … because… and I would prefer that (what you would like to see happen). This way, you can get your concerns across and in a manner that your manager can listen and understand clearly.

At the same time, do remember to be kind to yourself given the changes you’re experiencing and perhaps can consider shifting perspectives, if it helps. Remember that you deserve and can get the necessary support you need. Till then, take care! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi @BKT thank you for the kind words. The change seems to be confirmed at this stage and perhaps even more reorganising internally may happen.

Well, the manager, who is also my mentor, at work is extremely knowledgeable, patient and provides a great listening ear.

Having been through alot of hardships together, the manager seems to have become a ‘comfort zone’ for me at work and thus perhaps the lost and conflicted feeling arises

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Hi @anonymous147

Sounds like you have a really good working relationship with this manager. Given the close nature of this working relationship especially when y’all have been through ups and downs together, it’s totally normal and expected to feel how you feel.

I had a good working relationship with someone too and the person got reassigned and it really affected me. I would encourage you to process your feelings, validate your feelings, if you feel it’ll be good, you could journal, pen a letter which you could give (or not if you don’t feel like it) to your manager to help find closure.

I wish you well! Take care.

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Sounds like you have a really good relationship with your manager! Good managers are not easy to come by so it’s definitely normal to feel lost when you no longer can work with them.

Will you be getting a new manager? And will you still get access to your mentor after they take on a new role? If yes then maybe it’s not that bad because good mentors are there for life. Hopefully you’ll be able to seek advice from them whenever you need.

Hi @Jaws , would probably be getting a new mentor but access to the current mentor is quite unknown at this moment :frowning:

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Ah okay, transitions are always tough. I wonder if you have other team mates who is undergoing a similar transition? Maybe it’ll be interesting to hear their perspectives too.

When is this transition happening? Time to step out of your comfort zone haha but I think there are ways to make this smoother. For eg, having a chat with the incoming manager to understand their working style and also share yours. Most supportive mangers would want to be able to help you thrive.

But of course I understand there’s also uncertainty as to who is coming in to be your new manager. If it’s an internal shuffle, there could be a chance that your current mentor knows them too - can try to also catch up with your current mentor to get advice on how to work well with the new manager.

I remember when my mentor left for another company, I was devastated. Like you, we went through some tough times together. Some more it was just a 2-man team, so just him and me. With him leaving, I basically needed to tank everything without proper advice and guidance. It turned out to be a period in my career where I had the most growth. I learned so much and also had a greater appreciation of what he did for me as a manager (basically shielding all the stupid requests and rejecting the low value work). The good news was - after 6 months into his new role, he called me and offered me a job in his team. So it’s a happy ending.

I hope things will work out positively for you too! Let us know how things go.