Just not cutting it

I jist cant seem to do anything right. Work, home…
I do feel like leaving droppong everything and runnign away

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Hi @Mdz

Thanks for sharing about what you’re experiencing with us here. I wonder if something happened recently or this is something you’ve been experiencing on a more long-term basis? Regardless of which is it, it doesn’t take away the fact that what you’re feeling and going through (you sound very overwhelmed and in despair) is valid.

You mentioned about work. What happened? What are you finding difficult at work with? You mentioned home too: What’s going on with the people or things there?

If this is something a bit more persistent, I wonder if you’re able to kinda look back and see when this started or became too much for you? This might require you to do some investigating :mag:, like asking yourself, “what were the events that led up to the moment?”.

And, this line about “can’t seem to do anything right”, seems like an observation of your current condition… I wonder if you’re being fair to yourself with that statement? I wonder if someone else in the same situation as you, thinking that “they’re just not cutting it” – what would you say to that person? :thinking: I wonder if you’re able to bounce your thoughts with someone willing to listen to check if things aren’t really working out or what can be done about it? I know that I’m more than glad to listen if you wanna share.

The idea of dropping everything and leave feels like a perfectly rational and even enticing especially hearing how overwhelming things are. I wonder if you’ve experienced something like this (or similar) before and you somehow managed to cope (might need to do a bit more investigating). If yes, what did you do and have you given it a try this time? Also, I hope this resource could be something worthwhile for you to check out too.

I think that our emotions can be up and down at times and with the right coping skills we can try to weather the storm. But if this has been going on for awhile, and things aren’t getting better despite trying to cope, perhaps you can consider getting assistance, maybe can check-out Family Service Centres that have professionals that can work with you on developing coping skills and listening to you in a non-judgmental manner. For now, I hope this can be of assistance, and do share with us here on your updates! :slightly_smiling_face:


I can imagine how overwhelming it can get sometimes, @Mdz. How are you coping right now?

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Just numbing my pain, getting off my meds was not the right thing to do, but hell i couldnt afford it anymore.

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Ive been in the same industry for over a decade and i keep repeating the same mistakes, ‘NO BRAIN AH’ is what i keep hearing all the time. It keeps echoing, i cant think beyond a cetain stage and fall into hedonistic practices, no medication has helped me enough, or maybe am i not making enough effort?! I feel like a child, dont have the maturity even though i’m well above my 30’s.
I dont deserve anything that i have, because i’m destroying it like a 2 year old with a 1000 piece puzzle. I cant retain anything that i learn, always forgetting, logic doesnt make sense. No will to do anything, for anyone, for me.
I’m at a dead end, i know i have to do something, but flat walls around me are as tall as my eyes can see. Its closing in.

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I’m sorry to hear that. What meds are you on right now? Do you need someone to speak with immediately? Can try calling 1767 or WhatsApp Share on WhatsApp?

I was concerta, my dosage increased, so did the bill, couldnt handle it anymore, sure

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Hi @Mdz

I’m hearing more about how tough your experiences at work are, and how much you’ve been trying to cope all those years - that must’ve been really difficult to go through, and to feel especially tired of it all. It sounds like you’re also hanging on and that medication helped to an extent. Hope you can discuss with your doctor/psychiatrist about the dosage and fees, if you haven’t already? And can check-out Family Service Centres too.

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