Really tired, irritated and having breakdowns

I have been really irritated and emotional recently, many assignments are piled up and needs to submit in such a short period of time. I trying to cope as if everything is fine, however, I find that I cannot really control my emotions, sad, anger and anxiety is getting to me.

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Hi @user1223,

Thanks for sharing what you’re going through. Just hearing about the pressure, the assignments, and those tight deadlines stresses me out already! It really sounds overwhelming, and I can totally understand why you’re feeling the way you do. It’s important to know that it’s okay not to have it all together all the time.

Feeling irritated, emotional, and juggling sadness, anger, and anxiety all at once is a lot to handle. It sounds like you’re trying to keep it together on the outside, but inside it’s a different story. I get that. It’s really hard to keep pushing forward when you’re feeling so drained and demotivated. Sometimes, the sheer volume of what’s on your plate can make it hard to even start. The thought of tackling everything can feel paralyzing. It’s okay to feel resistant and lack motivation when you’re under this much pressure.

Maybe it would help to break things down a bit. When everything feels overwhelming, sometimes the best thing to do is take it one step at a time. Try focusing on one assignment or task for a short period, like 20-30 minutes. Give yourself permission to take a break after that. It might make the workload feel a bit more manageable.

Another thing that might help is to prioritize your assignments. What’s due the soonest? What’s the most important? Sometimes just making a list and seeing everything laid out can make it feel less chaotic.

Don’t forget to take care of yourself. It’s easy to neglect basic self-care when you’re stressed, but things like getting enough sleep, eating well, and taking short breaks can really make a difference. Even a few minutes of deep breathing or a quick walk can help clear your mind.

The biggest help that you have initiated for yourself is actually posting it here… allowing yourself to openly write here about what you’re going through. Whether it’s a stranger, friend, or counselor, sharing your feelings can provide some relief. Sometimes just knowing that someone else understands can make a big difference.

Remember, building resilience takes time. It’s about finding small ways to bounce back and take care of yourself, even when things are tough. You’ve already taken the first step by reaching out and acknowledging what’s going on. That’s a huge sign of strength.

You’re doing your best, and that’s what matters most. It’s okay to feel how you’re feeling, and it’s okay to ask for help. We’re all here to support you through this. Let’s take it one step at a time, and remember that you’re not alone in this.

Take care, and hang in there. We are here for you.

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