Should I seek professional help or am I being dramatic?

I don’t ever feel important, like my feelings, my thoughts and my voice will never be important. I don’t even need to feel important, I just want to be heard.
My mother tells me that I’m just being silly and dramatic, and that in 10 years whatever I was feeling will just be so small. Maybe she’s right, so I convinced myself that my negative feelings were just silly, and that everything will be okay, and that I just needed to be a good person, live through my mundane life and die a normal death. I think a lot of people live life this way.
But I don’t feel normal, I can’t even look up at people’s faces when I’m walking, it doesn’t help that I have ance, I get a sick feeling in my stomach from overthinking. I think its social anxiety, but I don’t know how to get diagnosed, because I don’t want to worry anyone.
I don’t believe the words people tell me, if they tell me they are proud of me, it feels empty, yet I do the same thing for almost everyone, I want people to feel like they matter in this world, yet I don’t feel any substance to these words when it’s directed towards me. I feel like a hypocrite.
People who go on dates, go to parties, have a sense of self despite their own traumatic experiences, I envy them. I’ve been trying to be good my whole life that even the thought of trying these things scare me.
I’ve been trying to play the adult so much that I just feel like a child now. And I don’t want it to lose it, whatever sense of self I have now. I don’t know if I should see a therapist or a psychologist, I feel like these feelings do not warrant a visit, they might just be fleeting. But I feel tired, or maybe it’s just a loop I need to break out of. I don’t ever know. Even if the answer is a yes, I don’t ever know if I’ll have the confidence to get an appointment, I feel like I don’t deserve it.

Hi anonymous385

Thank you for coming forward so courageously and sharing what you are experiencing. I am sorry to hear how tough it has been for you and I am glad you are seeking ways to make sense of what is happening. Many of us can certainly resonate with your feelings and experiences, so please know you are not alone in having self doubts about your importance and minimising your feelings and experiences♥️.

It may be helpful for you to know that:

  1. Your feelings matter: Don’t dismiss your emotions as “silly” or “dramatic.” They are fully valid, genuine and worth exploring.

  2. Seeking help is a sign of strength: Considering therapy or counseling shows self-awareness and a willingness to grow.

  3. Social anxiety is treatable: If you suspect you might be experiencing social anxiety, consulting a mental health professional can help you address it.

  4. You deserve support: Don’t worry about “worrying others.” Your well-being is important, and seeking help is a positive step.

  5. Envy is a natural feeling: It’s okay to admire others’ confidence or resilience. Use this as motivation to work on your own growth.

  6. Self-compassion is key: Treat yourself with kindness, just as you would a friend. Acknowledge your efforts and progress.

  7. Take small steps: Start with tiny, manageable actions towards seeking help or building confidence.

Remember, your voice and feelings are important. You deserve to be heard and understood. Keep moving forward, even if it’s just a small step at a time.:heart:

hey that sounds really tough :frowning: when we look at people’s lives from the outside it usually looks perfect but we don’t really know whats going on… i think a lot of people worry about whatever issue they’re facing is “big” enough to seek professional help but if you’re going through something that really bothers you and makes you feel this way, you deserve to be supported and to feel safe and comfortable in your everyday life :frowning: i hope you get more clarity on this soon, take care :heart:

you don’t need to have a definite mental health disorder to see a therapist, even someone that is mentally well in life could see a therapist too :slight_smile: it’s like how someone that is healthy may still go to health checkups at the hospital. Mental health is equally as important as physical health so we shouldn’t neglect either

hey @anonymous385, I’d like to begin by saying… reading this really reminded me of myself. it’s as if someone just wrote out a part of my life. I hear you, I really do. from the parent downplaying my feelings to the point where I’m convinced, feeling conscious of my appearance, not believing people’s compliments… I’ve been there too, and at times I sadly go back there. so I’d like to tell you what I would’ve wished to hear.

you are not silly, and you are not dramatic. it is okay and normal to have feelings, thoughts, emotions, positive and negative, and they are all valid. you are valid and you are important. and you are a good person for caring about others and wanting them to feel like they matter. not believing them does not make you a hypocrite, and it is not your fault. it just means your mind is playing tricks on you, and I know that is not fun at all. that does not define you. I understand your envy, but I’ve been noticing that beneath what is visible on the outside - the partying, the dating, the having fun - they have things that they are hiding too. please do what makes you happy, and what makes you feel at ease. you deserve to get help. seeing a professional is beneficial for everyone and no problem is too small. they would be more than happy to be a listening ear and help you out. you deserve to be well and happy.

thank you for sharing, please take care :heart:

Hello, @anonymous385 :smile:. Thank you for sharing your problems. I don’t think your feelings are silly and in fact, I think it is important to validate your own feelings. I think it is normal to feel anxious about how we look but I hope that it doesn’t affect you that much as not everyone are not attracted by the looks of the person but instead, the personality :slightly_smiling_face:. If you ever need to talk to someone but is scared to seek help from a therapist, perhaps you can continue to share with us how you’re feeling and when you’re ready, you can approach and seek for professional help :wink:. You deserve every bit :star2: