Sudden anxiety and blurness

A month ago, after waking up, I was about to have lunch at home. My mother said something like " theres one more packet of pasta left". This phrase kept running in my mind repeatedly and immediately knew something was wrong. It was hard for me to process what she said which normally isnt that case.
I also realised that suddenly it took alot of effort to understand what time it was.
I understand that a close relative’s wedding was the trigger. After attending the wedding, 2 days later I experienced body tremors and stomach cramps and extreme anxiety.

I consulted my gp yesterday, however he told me after understanding my symptoms that maybe I might not require medications and could alternatively seek therapies or if I wanted to be properly accessed, I could seek psychiatric services. He also mentioned about focusing about breathing techniques.

Im definately overwhelmed, unsure of what to do. Trying my best to be back to normal but I definately need assistance.

My appetite is good, no insomnia, I do exercise. But I do feel anxious throughout the day. Will I get better?:disappointed_relieved:

Dear @user1140 ,

Thank you for reaching out and sharing what you’ve been going through. It sounds like you’re experiencing lots of discomfort and well done on reaching out to your GP. That shows a lot of courage and self-awareness! :clap:t4: :clap:t4:

Your experience at the wedding and the symptoms you’ve described—like difficulty processing information, understanding time, body tremors, stomach cramps, and ongoing anxiety—can definitely be overwhelming. It sounds like you may have witnessed, heard, or experienced something unsettling at the wedding, triggering your body’s protective response. It’s perfectly normal to feel this way when faced with such intense emotions. I want to acknowledge your strength in recognising that something was wrong and seeking help. That’s a step in the right direction.

It’s important to understand that anxiety is your body’s way of responding to stress or danger, even if the perceived threat isn’t immediately clear. It’s not something that will go away magically; it often requires unpacking and understanding the underlying causes. There is no shame in experiencing anxiety. Though it doesn’t feel comfortable, it signals that your body is doing its best to protect you. By slowing down, attuning to your body’s communication cues, and seeking professional support, you can help your body learn that it is safe. This process can take time and patience, but by addressing the root issues, you can gradually reduce the intensity of your anxiety and live a better, more balanced life. Professional support and therapeutic techniques can be very helpful in this journey, aiding you in uncovering and working through the sources of your anxiety. Is there any reason why you might be hesitant to reach out to a counsellor?

Your GP’s suggestion of alternative therapies and breathing techniques can be very effective for managing anxiety. Here are a few additional suggestions that might help:

  1. Breathing Exercises: Try deep breathing techniques, such as diaphragmatic breathing or box breathing. These methods can help calm your nervous system and reduce anxiety. Practice these skills regularly, even if it’s just for a minute a day, to help your body become better at self-regulation.

  2. Mindfulness and Relaxation: Practices like mindfulness meditation, yoga, or progressive muscle relaxation can also be beneficial in reducing anxiety and improving your overall well-being.

  3. Routine and Structure: Maintaining a regular daily routine can provide a sense of stability and control, helping you feel more grounded.

  4. Stay Active: Physical activity is a great way to reduce stress and anxiety. It’s wonderful to hear that you already have a good exercise routine in place. Keep it up!

  5. Social Support: Talking to friends, family, or a support group about your feelings can be very helpful. You don’t have to go through this alone, and having a supportive network can make a big difference.

  6. Professional Support: Consider seeking support from a therapist or counsellor. They can provide you with a safe and non-judgmental environment to unpack what happened at the wedding ( at a pace comfortable to you) and share strategies tailored to your unique situation. If you’re still in school, you can reach out to your school counsellor and here are some community options you can consider:

You’re already doing a fantastic job by taking care of your physical health and seeking support. It’s completely normal to feel overwhelmed when dealing with anxiety, but with the right support and strategies, you can get better. :smiley:

It’s okay to ask for help and take things one step at a time. I hope the above has been helpful and if you’d like more resources or if there is anything else you’d like to share with us, please do. We’re here to listen to you, your feelings are valid and you matter! :grinning:

Take care,
CoolBreeze =)

Hi…thank you for taking the time to reply and for the suggestions. I am trying my best. I am practicising box breathing everyday too. Additionally I have been reading positive affirmations. But it seems really hard and I truly want to be the person I was before. My only fear is that what if I cant go back to normal and how long is it going to take me if I can. I cant believe how it suddenly happened one day and changed everything for me. Bottled up feelings I suppose.

I do own a small business. I can communicate with my clients and I have not taken a break from that although initially I wanted to, given my situation.

Its such a tough period. Hope one day I will come back and revisit this comments with happiness and strength that I have overcomed this. I hope then I can help others who are facing similar situations. Actually, even now I can help too.:slightly_smiling_face:

Hi @user1140 :wave:t4:,

You’re most welcome. :smiley:

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and for your efforts in practising box breathing and reading positive affirmations. It’s clear that you’re working hard to manage your situation, and that dedication is valuable.

Feeling like you want to return to your previous self is completely understandable, and it’s natural to have fears about how long it might take or if it’s even possible. Change, especially sudden and impactful change, can be really challenging to process. Bottled-up feelings can sometimes lead to these kinds of experiences, and it’s okay to acknowledge that.

Running a small business and continuing to communicate with your clients shows a lot of strength and resilience, especially when you’re going through such a tough period. It speaks volumes about your capabilities and potential.

Remember, progress can take time, and it’s okay to move at your own pace. You don’t have to heal by yourself. You may not have all the trained skills and knowledge needed to work with trauma. Sharing the weight with a therapist can provide the support and guidance you need. While there is a possibility you may not return to your old self, you may grow into an even better version—one with more confidence, resilience, and awareness in looking after your needs. :smiley:

Trauma often happens when we face more than we can manage and lack the comfort and connection from others. Healing from trauma is possible and can be aided by working with someone who uses a brain-body based approach, such as Brainspotting therapy or somatic therapy. It’s possible to grow from trauma; this is known as post-traumatic growth versus post-traumatic stress.

One day, when you look back on this period, you’ll likely see how much you’ve grown and how strong you really are. And it’s wonderful that you already have the desire to help others who might be facing similar challenges.

Keep going, and be kind to yourself along the way. If you have any questions or want to share anything more with us, please do. :orange_heart:

Warm regards,
CoolBreeze =)

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