I have a friend female that has schizoaffective disorder. Our relationship was good till one day she blocked me on WhatsApp. She said I do stupid things at work and blamed it on her “conditions”. Of course, nothing of that sort happened. I did not contact her till she called me on a company’s common line. I did not answer her as I was uncertain about the situation. Is there a chance to salvage the relationship? Do I ask for mediator to come between us to talk to her? Please advise me. Thank you.
Hi Ranger
Thank you for courageously seeking help to address this difficult situation. I gather that this friendship is important to you and you are both sad and confused because of what has happened.
On the one hand, you treasure this friendship and want to reestablish it; however on the other hand, there is uncertainty on what you should do and the consequences of your actions to both of you although they are well-meaning. Throughout what you have shared, I see that you have a lot of empathy and understanding for her .
I hope the following helps:
Deepen your understanding of schizoaffective disorder to better understand what she might be experiencing.
Continue your empathetic approach. Reach out to her with kindness and concern, acknowledging her struggles.
Be curious to what she has to say and openly communicate. Focus on your feelings and avoid blaming or accusing language.
Yes, getting a trusted mutual friend, family member, or mental health professional to facilitate the conversation is an option to consider.
Be prepared to accept if she needs space or time to work through her emotions.
Encourage her to continue seeking professional help and offer support in her treatment journey.
Remember, rebuilding trust and your friendship takes time, patience and effort from both parties.