Help me for my job anyone?:((

Hi! I am someone with a mental condition called Schizoaffective disorder. I am a Porter at a hospital. I worked like for 4 years alr. But I still make a lot of mistakes. The task are pressing the password, calling for your break at break time, writing on the board your job timings, key in the jobs etc. I tried meditation, mindfulness for a 2weeks, tried to rewrite the sentences on a paper the things to do, tried repeating the jobs to do to myself, mindfulness exercise, visualising. What else can I do? Can you help me?:frowning: the results are the same…

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Hi Salmoncake

I thank you for your courage in reaching out for support. Firstly, I can see that despite your Schizoaffective disorder and work challenges, you’ve persisted for four years as a Porter. That itself is something to be proud.

Take stock of your achievements. What I also observe is that you are taking proactive steps to manage your tasks, which I applaud. It is a firm step in the right direction. May I suggest:

  1. Digital reminders: Use your phone reminder for task reminders and checklists.
  2. Create a simple routine which would help you go from one task to another. A timeline of your tasks and breaks may help.
  3. Alarms: Set alarms on your phone for specific tasks.
  4. Checklists: Write down tasks and check them off as completed.
  5. Inform supervisors/colleagues about your challenges. Ask their help to write out a schedule that you can bring around wherever you go and follow.
  6. Ask for clarification or help when needed.

I also encourage you to continue your self care. Please know that making mistakes are common and part of being human. Simplify your daily schedule such that after a while, the steps will become automatic. Please know how far you have come and take small steps daily to get better. Stay focused and don’t be too affected by mistakes but learn from them. Keep trying…it will get better. :heart:

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Keep your chip up. :smiley:

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