how to stop sh?

ive been sh-ing ever since that post and idk how to stop. ive tried alternatives in the comments left on my previous post (thank you guys for the comments) but it just doesnt hit as good as cutting does. my partner and friends are all seriously worried but therapy is heavily not an option i want to consider considering i am still a minor and do not want my parents to know. its also expensive

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Hi @throwawayacc,

I’m really sorry to hear how much you’re struggling right now. It’s clear that you’re feeling overwhelmed, and I want you to know that it doesn’t make you weak or broken. The fact that you’re reaching out and acknowledging your struggles shows incredible strength and self-awareness, even if it doesn’t feel that way right now.

I can sense that sh feels like a release for you, like it’s giving you something that other alternatives haven’t. It’s not uncommon to feel like nothing else “hits” the same way, but I want to help you find other ways to cope that can provide a similar release, and you deserve to find relief and comfort in ways that are safe and nurturing, not destructive.

Here are a few thoughts I want to share with you:

1. Why It Feels So Hard to Stop

Sh can feel like it offers control or relief when emotions become too intense. But it’s a temporary relief, and over time, it can leave you feeling more hurt and trapped. The fact that your friends and partner are worried shows how much they care about you—they don’t want you to carry this pain alone.

2. Alternatives That Might Work Better for You

If some alternatives haven’t helped, it’s worth exploring a few more options. Not everything works for everyone, but finding a few that resonate with you can make a big difference:

  • Cold alternatives: Holding an ice cube tightly or snapping a rubber band on your wrist can create a physical sensation without causing harm.
  • Creative outlets: Art, writing, or even screaming into a pillow can help express emotions in ways that feel cathartic.
  • Movement: Going for a fast-paced walk, running, or punching a pillow can release pent-up energy.
  • Grounding techniques: Holding something with a strong texture (like sandpaper) or squeezing a stress ball can help shift your focus.

3. Support Without Therapy

I completely hear you when you say therapy isn’t an option right now, and I won’t push it if it’s not what you’re comfortable with. That said, there are ways to get support without spending money:

  1. Speaking to your school counsellors can be a good start. Share your concerns and let them help you navigate such difficult times.

  2. CHAT: operates CHAT hub which is located at *SCAPE and maintains an online presence through their website and webchat.
    6493 6500
    6493 6501

  3. Fei Yue Community Services- LIVE CHAT eC2 is an online facility offering free counselling to youths.

  4. TOUCH Community Services – TOUCHline: Emotional support and practical advice are rendered through this youth helpline
    1800 377 2252

4. Small Steps Toward Healing

You don’t need to figure it all out right away, but taking small steps can make a big difference over time. Ask yourself: What’s one thing I can do today to feel even 1% better? It could be something small, like listening to a song you love, stepping outside for fresh air, or texting a friend.

5. Check In With Yourself

You mentioned that you don’t want your parents to know, which I completely understand. But if things ever feel truly overwhelming, I want to encourage you to reach out to someone you trust, even if it’s a teacher, counsellor, or family member. They can help create a safety net for you without judgement.

Finally, I want to remind you that you’re not alone. You’ve already shown so much bravery by opening up and seeking advice. You deserve kindness, patience, and support—not only from others but also from yourself. We are here to listen and support you however we can, and I believe in your ability to find your way through this. Please don’t hesitate to reach out whenever you need to.

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Try adopting a hobby? I hope it helps as someone with long term depression myself ive always indulged in ways of keeping and mind and body active! It helps me fight my issues!

Honestly all the runners actually hate themselves hahaha

i don’t know if this is the best response but if its really really hard to stop the way i dealt with it is slowly decreasing the frequency… eventually i didn’t feel the need to at all

i think its good to think about what it helps you specifically with though… alternatives are a more short term solution but figuring out what it helps you deal with can maybe help you figure out what would help you best? but i’m only speaking from experience, im no expert

if you don’t have access to therapy school counsellors or some social service agencies can help!