I feel oppressed

I have many uncomfortable thoughts my mind makes me feel like I am a bad person that is not fit for this life and useless I don’t know why but I feel uncomfortable all the time

Hey @Debby771 , have you had a chance to explore what might be triggering these feelings? Sometimes talking about it can help ease some of that discomfort. It might also be helpful to challenge those negative thoughts. When you catch yourself thinking you’re useless or a bad person, try to counter it with something positive or remind yourself of things you’ve accomplished, no matter how small. Practising self-compassion is key, and you deserve to treat yourself with kindness.

Reaching out for support can also be really helpful when you’re feeling this way, whether it’s talking to a trusted friend or considering professional help. You don’t have to go through this alone. You’re important, and your feelings matter. :slightly_smiling_face:

I did tell my mum but I don’t know if it’s normal to not have control over your mind and body which leads me to feeling nausea everyday and pain in my body till it’s so unbearable

Hi @Debby771 ,

Thank you for sharing how you’re feeling—it sounds like you’ve been carrying a lot of distress, both mentally and physically. I can imagine how tough it must be to feel like you’re not in control of your mind and body. What you’re experiencing isn’t unusual, and I’d like to help you understand what might be going on and how you can start to feel a bit more at ease.

Understanding the Connection Between Your Mind and Body

It’s common for our thoughts and emotions to affect our body. When you feel anxious, worried, or overwhelmed, your body often responds by creating physical symptoms, like nausea, tension, or pain. This is known as the mind-body connection. It doesn’t mean that your feelings aren’t real or that you’re making it up—your body is simply reacting to the stress or discomfort you’re feeling in your mind.

Sometimes, when we have thoughts that tell us we’re “bad” or “not fit for this life,” it can feel like a constant inner battle, and this stress builds up in our body. Feeling nauseous or experiencing pain every day is your body’s way of telling you that something isn’t right emotionally.

Are These Thoughts About Being a “Bad Person” True?

I know it’s really hard when your mind is telling you that you’re a bad person or useless, but I want to help you explore whether these thoughts are actually true. Sometimes, our mind can play tricks on us—especially when we’re feeling anxious or down—and convince us of things that aren’t based on reality. Just because your mind says something, doesn’t mean it’s true.

It might be helpful to ask yourself:

  • What evidence do I have that I’m a bad person?
  • Am I treating myself as harshly as I would treat someone else?
  • Is there another explanation for why I’m feeling this way that doesn’t involve me being a “bad person”?

These questions can help you challenge those negative thoughts and see that they aren’t facts—they’re just feelings or fears.

Why You’re Not Alone in Feeling This Way

It’s normal to feel overwhelmed by your emotions sometimes, especially when you’re going through difficult periods in life. Many people experience intense thoughts about themselves, especially when they’re feeling down or stressed. The important thing to know is that these feelings don’t define you, and they can be worked through with the right kind of support.

When you said you feel like you’re “not fit for this life” or “useless,” those thoughts are often a result of feeling disconnected from your sense of self-worth. It’s important to remember that you do belong, and while it may feel like everything is spiraling right now, it’s possible to work through these feelings and come out stronger.

Taking the First Step to Regain Control

One way to start feeling a bit more in control is by focusing on the things that bring you comfort, even if they’re small. Sometimes, when we feel lost in our thoughts, the idea of control feels impossible. But small actions, like taking a few deep breaths when you notice the nausea coming on, or even naming the feelings you’re experiencing (e.g., “I feel anxious right now”), can help you feel like you’re back in the driver’s seat, even for a moment.

What do you think about starting small—finding just one thing each day that brings you a little relief? Whether it’s listening to a song you like, talking to someone you trust, or even just going for a walk, these small steps can help you start to shift how you’re feeling.

Opening Up About Feeling “Useless”

You mentioned that you told your mum about how you’re feeling, which is a great step toward getting the support you need. It’s important to remember that you’re not useless, even if it feels that way right now. Sometimes, when we’re feeling like we don’t fit in or that life is too hard, it’s because we’re carrying emotions that haven’t been expressed or worked through.

I wonder, do you feel like you can talk more about these feelings with someone who understands you? Opening up about why you feel uncomfortable and what’s weighing on your mind can make a huge difference in how you cope with these thoughts.

Final Thought

It’s really important to be kind to yourself right now. Feeling like you’re not in control of your mind or body can be terrifying, but it’s something that can change with time and support. Remember, you are not alone in this, and with some gentle steps, you can start to feel more in control and less overwhelmed.

How do you feel about talking through these thoughts a bit more, either here or with someone you trust? We’d love to hear what might help you feel less oppressed through this process.

Thank you sooo much but also why do I feel an imbalance in life like when I try to think positive I think it attacks me more and when I think negative thinks it stops for awhile as like a coping mechanism

Same. Im not a bad person but i just suck at things n take longer to figure things out compared to normal ppl

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Hi @Debby771,

It sounds like you’re dealing with some really heavy thoughts. It’s okay to feel this way, and you’re not alone.

I’m here to listen if you want to share more about what’s been on your mind. Please feel free to reach out if you need to :slight_smile:

Hello @Debby771 :wave:t2:! Thank you for sharing how you’re feeling. I want you to know that you are not a bad person.

We will have times where we cannot control those thoughts but just wanted to let you know that those thoughts don’t always represent the real us. At times, our brains might turn into our worst critics. It can be stressful to struggle with self-doubt or thoughts that suggest you’re not meant for this life, but that doesn’t imply the ideas are accurate.

Remember to not turn these thoughts into reality. Our thoughts can occasionally produce these patterns of guilt or self-doubt, and it can be difficult to overcome the sense of being “useless” or “not good enough.” However, none of those describe you. You’re stronger than you think especially the fact that you even reached out :heart_hands:.

Find some time to think about things and write them down in a journal. Ultimately, you’re still a human and we all struggle too.

Fighting!! :muscle:t2: