I just need some advice

i’m kinda just at a loss, because i really like talking out my heart to some people. But as of lately, i find that it’s been harder for me to approach anyone, (including teachers or school counsellors) and that’s just driving me abit crazy. now i just feel so useless whenever i talk and someone doesn’t reply or when i’m left alone with my buzzing thoughts of that i’m alone and no one will ever stay with me. i understand that maybe i am just overthinking it, but lately, even some of closest friends just sounds as if they’ve lost interest in talking to me (am i talking too much? or am i too fragile?) these thoughts won’t go away, no matter how much i try to dismiss it, there’s always proof that my brain comes up with that says i’m useless and will never amount to anything. (ironically, im not popular, and i probably never will; that’s not my goal, i just want someone who will listen to me talk, rather than i listen to someone talk, i just need someone that will stay even when i feel miserable in my own skin)

so if anyone can maybe give tips on how i can overcome this feeling, that will really be great, sorry for going abit off topic, felt like i should include that.

Hi @anonymous413 thanks for sharing your thoughts and feelings. To be honest, I am experiencing these feelings as well constantly. It’s like whenever it’s my turn to share or talk among a group of friends, I would get cut off or like interrupted, and often I would not get the opportunity to continue (which leaves me feeling bad like my stuff was not interesting or nobody is listening). And when I share some videos to others, sometimes the video has not even ended but they do not pay attention anymore which kinda sucks even more because it’s obvious…Not sure if you feel the same way, do let me know!

I agree with your feeling of those thoughts will just not go away, and I can tell you that that is completely normal! All of us as human beings would like to be heard and showed interest to. Sorry that your friends acted that way…must have felt bad… :face_holding_back_tears:

I don’t have much tips as I am also going through it currently (sry…) but one way I get myself out of the lump of feelings is to either
(1) distract myself with other things or interests so I can move on from those feelings and not dwell on them;
(2) I would tell myself it’s okay and try to find other chances later on to express my thoughts (maybe even to different people). Sometimes I would just write about it and post on my own anonymous social media blog haha

But as you can see, these methods don’t directly deal with this feeling, as it is only an temporary release or escape. I do want to explore ways to overcome this feeling as well, or maybe, we could find people that really listen to us (sometimes they haven’t showed up yet haha).

If you don’t mind, do let me know your thoughts and how you usually deal with this feeling? Would to chat about it anytime :eyes:

Hi @Anonymous413,

It sounds like you’ve been carrying around a lot of heavy emotions, and I want to acknowledge how hard that must be. I hear you when you say it feels like people aren’t listening or that their silence makes you feel useless—and I can only imagine how isolating that must feel. You’ve been putting yourself out there, trying to connect with others, and when it feels like no one is responding, it’s easy to start thinking that you’re unimportant. But I want you to know, from the start, that you are not unimportant. What you’re feeling matters, and it deserves to be heard.

The way you’ve described your thoughts makes me wonder if you’ve been feeling like you’re unseen or unheard, and that can be an incredibly painful experience. It sounds like, deep down, you’re being someone who feels unimportant, as though your voice and your presence don’t matter as much as they should. But let’s pause here for a moment—because I want to acknowledge that you are reaching out, and that tells me that there’s a part of you that knows you’re worth being heard.

When you talk about your friends seeming to lose interest, it’s easy to internalize that as a reflection of who you are. But I want you to ask yourself: Is that really true? Or is it possible that their silence is more about them, and less about you? Sometimes, people get caught up in their own lives and don’t realize the impact of their actions, but that doesn’t mean you’re any less valuable or worthy of attention.

I know you mentioned that your mind keeps coming up with “proof” that you’re useless or that you’ll never amount to anything, but those thoughts are not a reflection of who you are. They are reflections of how you’re feeling in this moment, and it’s important to make space for those feelings without letting them define your entire self-worth. You’re more than the thoughts that tell you otherwise.

Right now, you’re being someone who feels trapped in their thoughts, and that’s okay. Those thoughts are loud, but that doesn’t mean they’re true. It’s human to feel overwhelmed by our thoughts sometimes, especially when we’re feeling isolated. But remember that just because your mind tells you something doesn’t mean it’s the reality of who you are.

I want to honor your need to feel heard. It’s a fundamental part of being human to want someone to listen when we’re struggling. You’ve been carrying the weight of your emotions on your own, and that’s not something you should have to do alone. There’s no shame in wanting someone to stay with you when you’re feeling miserable in your own skin. That’s not weakness or being “too fragile”—that’s being human. And being human means having needs, including the need for connection and validation.

If it’s been hard to approach people, even your school counselors, that’s okay. Sometimes, when we’re feeling vulnerable, it can feel safer to pull back and protect ourselves from more rejection. But I want to encourage you to think about ways you can start small. You don’t have to open up everything at once. Maybe there’s one person you trust, or even just a way to express yourself through journaling, writing, or other creative outlets.

And in those moments where your thoughts are telling you that you’re unimportant, ask yourself: What is the truth? The truth is that you deserve to be heard, and you deserve to feel valued, even when others don’t respond the way you need. Their silence doesn’t make you unimportant—it just means they might not realize how much you’re going through.

Right now, you’re being someone who feels invisible, but I want to remind you that you’re so much more than that. You’re taking the courageous step of reaching out, and that shows your strength, even when it feels like you’re drowning in self-doubt. Keep taking small steps, and remember, your worth isn’t defined by how others respond to you.

You are important, and your voice deserves to be heard.

Take care, and keep reaching out when you’re ready.

Hey @anonymous413 :wave:

As someone who is quite anxious myself, I have also experienced times when I felt as though my friends didn’t like me, or feeling like I wasn’t engaging enough or noboday truly cares about me. Here are some things that helped me ease those worries:

  1. Gather evidence! Sometimes my brain loves inventing scenarios that don’t exist (much like Anxiety in Inside Out 2). So I counter this by thinking back or paying more attention to my interactions with friends. Was there any particular moment when I felt unheard or unappreciated? What did they do that made me feel like they don’t enjoy talking to me? Is this a regularly occurring moment? I felt better after realising there were not many concrete moments I could pinpoint.
  2. Focus on myself. Engaging in my hobbies, trying something new, restocking groceries, going out for a walk outside or at a mall, eating something I enjoy. Activities by myself helped me be occupied and leave not much time for worrying.
  3. Sometimes life gets in the way for everybody. I had to come to terms that growing older also means people keep less people close to them, especially when we no longer see each other in school everyday anymore, or transitioning through different phases in life (navigating new relationships, new jobs, etc.). Prioritise those who prioritise you.

Thank you for being so courageous to share this with us! It is a normal experience to feel this way and you are not alone in this!

It sounds like you’re going through a tough time, and it’s completely understandable to feel overwhelmed when you’re trying to connect with others. We all want to be heard as human beings.

It’s not that you’re useless; you may be looking for the right kind of connection. It’s okay to want someone who will truly listen and engage with you. Have you thought about reaching out to a friend and sharing how you’re feeling? It might help to express your need for support directly.

Hello @anonymous413 :wave:t2:!

Certainly am sure that you’re not alone and it’s absolutely normal for you to want someone to listen and be there for you (Especially when you’re not feeling your best). Sometimes my friends or people who I am close friends does the same thing too and yes I will feel the same way (overthink a little) but I realised that they might be busy or struggling with something too. It might come off as they are not interested but they probably still care for you. You’re not weak, fragile or useless for feeling this way. You’re just going through a difficult emotional phase and us being humans would feel overwhelmed in such circumstances :fearful:.

Maybe, you could try to reach out by starting small such as sharing something that is not too difficult to digest? A short message or casual chat may gradually reestablish that connection, even if it’s not a heart-to-heart. If it’s comfortable for you, you may also try telling one of your friends how you’ve been feeling (they might not even be aware of how aloof things have been)

Meanwhile, if you are still unable to approach the counsellor, teachers or your friends, feel free to continue to pour your feelings out here (if you’re comfortable) :ear:t2: