I’m flopping and I’m not able to stop myself

I’m a year 3 poly student working on fyp. I’m doing media and design even though it’s not my passion, a topic for another time… but my fyp deadline is approaching really quickly. I know it is, and yet I’m still taking it slow with my progress. It’s not that I’m terribly far behind, I’m able to meet bare minimum I have no worries about that. But I’ve always been one to strive for the best I can do, and I know this is no where near the best I can do, but I’m really tired. I’ve been tired this whole semester, and semester before that too. And people say oh when you’re tired that’s the time to push, or like don’t make it such a waste since it’s already the final stretch. But I’ve been stretched out over the last few semesters already. After year 1 I knew this course would be something that drains everything out of me, since it’s something I’m not great at, yet something that requires so much of me (I can’t help but think of my work as an extension of me) I feel like it’s all my fault that I’m not trying hard enough to focus. But I really can’t explain how much I hate it here, everyday is a day of dread and my chest feels tight my shoulder feels heavy and sometimes I really have trouble breathing feeling a wave of impending doom wash across me. I’m going to apply to overseas universities and I realised most of the unis I’m interested in don’t really look at gpa so I feel like that is giving me some leeway to slack and that’s why I can’t focus better. I don’t know what to do, I just don’t want to hate myself and regret afterwards, but the me right now is really so so exhausted and just doing any work is already taking a lot of effort.

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Hi @user1276,

Thank you for sharing your experience with us. It’s clear you’re facing a challenging situation, and I want to acknowledge the weight of what you’re going through. The exhaustion and tightness in your chest that you’ve described are real indicators of the toll this is taking on you, and it’s understandable that you’re feeling overwhelmed right now.

When we’re faced with ongoing stress and exhaustion, it’s common to reach an impasse where everything feels like too much, and overthinking can set in as we try to find a way through. This mental exhaustion often leads to feeling stuck, where even the simplest tasks can seem insurmountable. It’s crucial to recognize that you’re not alone in feeling this way—many people experience this when they’re stretched too thin.

It’s important to make sure you’re feeling safe and stable. If at any point things feel too overwhelming, please reach out to someone you trust or contact a mental health professional. Your well-being is the priority, and taking care of yourself is the most important step.

Right now, it sounds like you could really benefit from leaning on your support system. It might be a friend, family member, or even someone in your academic circle who understands what you’re going through. Sometimes, just talking it out can help alleviate some of the pressure and make things feel a little less heavy.

Instead of pushing yourself through exhaustion, consider shoring up your resources and giving yourself permission to take a step back. This doesn’t mean you’re giving up—it means you’re gathering strength to come back stronger. Sometimes, it’s okay to take a break and not push yourself to the brink. Even small routines, like a short walk or setting aside time for yourself, can help provide some stability and calmness during this overwhelming time.

Remember, this feeling won’t last forever. You’ve made it this far despite the challenges, and that speaks to your resilience and strength. You deserve to feel supported and cared for, both by yourself and by others.

Take care, we’re here for you, and your well-being matters.

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