January Weekly Challenge #3: Write a letter to your future self

Dear future self,

I hope you’ve rediscovered the love for the beauty of the world. I hope it compels you to wake up everyday with purpose. I hope you’ve gotten over the curse of the growth mindset. I hope you learn that even after you grow, there’s always room for more. I hope you’ve learnt how to love again. I hope you’ve learnt how to find fun in all the little things you do. I hope you listen more than you speak. I hope you’re doing well, and that you are surrounded by people who hope that you’re doing well too.

2023 You.

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Dear Future Self
What i am doing right now is to shape the future you and I hope I make you proud and happy of the path I have chosen to land you in the place you are. Some days are easy while some days are hard. But I hope that you are strong enough to get through stuff and speak your truth. Dont worry if things don’t work for you at that particular moment just believe that something better is in store for you and also always be proud of the little things and do something for yourself & keep yourself a priority. Hope you have a lot of fun adventures :slight_smile:

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Dearest future self,
I hope you have accomplished what you had always wanted to do for both yourself and your family. Know that both myself and our kids are very proud of you and thankful for the daddy you are. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Give yourself a break from time to time. Remember deep breaths and I hope you are smiling every day. Keep moving and stay healthy. We love you. Remember that your kids day that you are the best daddy ever.
Me 2023

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