Yesterday I had a chat with my bf, and he told me that he had lost confidence in us but doesnt want to give up at the same time. Hes tired and doesnt know what to do.
Some backstory: We got tgt in May, but during Jun/Jul period we had lots of fights, almost every other day. That time we had a chat and we later noticed that its because of my attachment anxiety and anger issue, alot of overthinking and overreacting. He was losing confidence in us because of the amount of conflict. After i gained awareness, i have been working on it and things got better. The fights got alot lesser (once every other week) and the scale were alot smaller.
During yesterday’s chat he told me that he was slowly regaining confidence. But everytime he regained abit, we would get into a fight which caused him to feel hopeless again. He thinks that it is still reasonable for me to feel angry, and knows that it is his problem to feel so affected even to minor conflict, but he dont have the motivation to do anything to it. We did identify that he is the one overreacting nowadays (thinking that im going to get angry or unhappy) and alot of time he got unhappy was because he didnt try to understand me. I feel that both side should be responsible for a fight, so after every fight i will just think of what i did wrong and apologise. But because of Jun Jul period, during every fight now he just assumed its fully my fault and dont think about it which end up triggering me more. He is aware of his problem but have always been escaping, pushing it aside and just enjoy the moment when we spending time tgt.
He said he love me alot and see a future in us because all our bigger goals are aligned, but all these small things triggering our conflicts are making the journey extra difficult. It shouldnt be so difficult. He feels like we are forcing us to be tgt when we’re not suitable. He wants to give up but doesnt want to let go at the same time. I did suggest going to a couple therapy but he doesnt want to and thats why Im seeking help here.
Our final conclusion is for him to stay how he is now and just enjoy the time we spend tgt, at least im aware of how he feels now ill try harder to control my emotions. Meanwhile he will slowly work on getting the motivation and confidence in us back whenever he have the energy to do so. He have been supporting me emotionally when I was trying to make the change, and I told him Ill support him now and not add on to his emotional load. We agreed to sit down and talk again in mid feb. However honestly im not confident i can do this. Im an emotionally weak person who explodes and breakdown when i face uncertainty, yes things are better now but idk if i can really control myself and not get emotional for this 1 mth. Im actually quite surprise I didnt cry yest during the chat, i guess seeing him in tears just makes me want to get stronger for him. Even now as im typing all these i feel surprisingly calm, though i can feel my heart beating faster.
Can anybody help give some suggestions how we can work on this, either for me or for him? Or should we really give up?