My aunt is staying with us for a month and I dont like it

It’s been a few days with my aunt :frowning: Every since I was told she was coming to stay in our house for a month, I really didn’t like it, I even felt like I’m too paranoid to even talk to her… I really need ways to get over this…


@IAlwaysNeedYou Could you share what about your aunt staying for you for a month which you don’t like? This will help us better understand your circumstances and see if there’s a say to help you through this 1-month. :slight_smile:

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Hey @IAlwaysNeedYou It’s completely okay to feel uneasy when someone new is staying in your space, even if it’s family. It’s your home, your comfort zone, and having someone there for an extended period can feel unsettling, I mean I would… Feeling this way doesn’t mean you’re being unreasonable—it just means you’re adjusting to a change that you didn’t ask for.

One thing that might help is finding small ways to create boundaries for yourself. For example, set aside certain times or spaces that are just yours to recharge. It could be as simple as taking a walk, listening to music, or spending time in your room to decompress. I feel that is what I would do to deal with something I can’t avoid…

But yes what is it would you say that makes you paranoid with talking to her or what does she make you uncomfortable maybe? It would be great to know more :blush:


hi there, i also experience the same situation as you. i dont like my aunt and her new husband staying with my family but i have to deal with it as they have not found a house yet. when they are at home, i will stay in my room and do my own things. i also dont talk to my aunt and her new husband. i will occupy my time with work and other activities to stop thinking negative about this situation…

@IAlwaysNeedYou It sounds like you’re feeling really uncomfortable with your aunt’s visit, and that’s totally understandable. It can be difficult when someone comes into our space, especially if you’re not used to it. Your feelings are valid, and it’s okay to feel a bit paranoid or anxious about the situation.

What are your thoughts on finding small ways to connect with her? Even a simple conversation or shared activity might help ease the tension. Remember, it’s okay to set boundaries if you need to. You’re not alone in this; it is valid to feel the way you do when facing new dynamics at home.

She lives overseas and it felt like shes new to me

@IAlwaysNeedYou It sounds like you’re going through an adjustment period. Having someone new in your personal space, especially when it’s family you may not be used to, can bring up all kinds of feelings and it’s okay to feel this way.

Maybe start with small steps—short, light conversations or finding something simple to share, like a meal or a show you both might enjoy. Or being comfortable in silence while being around each other. Over time, these little moments can help ease the tension.

Meanwhile, be kind to yourself—it’s perfectly normal to need time to adapt. Keep us updated, and if you need help, we’re just a post away!! :slight_smile:

Hello! Not sure how much this will help but I can imagine I’d feel rather intimidated if I were you, especially if she’s coming from overseas and might have certain mannerisms, ways of speaking and behaving you’re not used to. I’m guessing from your post that you feel intensely nervous about interacting with her, and perhaps that your private space is invaded.
Apart from making your room a ‘safe space’, it can help to reframe the situation by asking yourself what you can learn from her. People who have lived overseas quite often have interesting experiences, and I imagine (hope) she is not a particularly difficult person and would also be interested in getting to know you.
It sounds like you do want to break out of your discomfort. Give yourself a little space and time to adjust, then see if you can find some common ground to start a conversation with her one of these days, over some interest or ask her about her life.
Another hack: I sometimes have a countdown calendar when I have to deal with a time-limited situation I don’t like or which I find tiring. So I check off the days as they pass and it helps:) All the best!