Overwhelmed recently

Recently, I felt so overwhelmed by everyone and everything that I get so stressed out and sometimes I started to cry out of a sudden during working hours. My colleague noticed it. Sometimes I feel like I am really not good enough, not mentally at work. I want to help myself but I just don’t know how to, can someone tell me how?

@user1623 Hey there, it takes a lot of strength to share something so personal—so kudos to you for putting this out there. It sounds like you’re going through a really tough time, and it’s okay to feel this way. Sometimes, just acknowledging it is the first step to feeling better.

You’re not alone in this, and the fact that you want to help yourself already shows how resilient you are. Maybe reaching out to someone you trust, like a close friend, family member, or even your colleague who noticed, could be a good start. Sometimes just talking it out helps lighten the load or mental burden. :slight_smile:

If you know what’s triggering these feelings, that’s great insight—you can start working on ways to address them. If you’re unsure, starting a mood tracker might help. Writing down your emotions, when they happen, and what’s going on around you can reveal patterns and give you a better understanding of what’s causing these feelings. This can be a big step towards addressing the core issue.

If you’re feeling stuck, a professional, such as a counsellor or therapist, can provide guidance to help you move forward. Alternatively, if you have a mentor or a supportive reporting officer, they could also be valuable resources to turn to for assistance and encouragement.

Remember, you’re doing your best, and that’s more than enough. It’s okay to take things one step at a time. You’ve got this, and there’s help out there for you. :hugs:

normal. therapy or a break or both

Dear user1623, I hear you. We all have times when we get overwhelmed and stressed out. It sounds like you have a lot on your plate, and that it’s a challenging time for you. Do you have someone in your life that you can speak freely without a fear of judgment or rejection? Do you take time to nourish and care for yourself when things get overwhelming? Do you have stress coping strategies to support you at this time?

If you have been keeping all these stress and emotions within you, crying is an effective way that our body does to release all of these things that we keep bottled within us. And you probably notice that you get emotionally exhausted after these cries, this is an important time to nourish yourself, emotionally, physically and mentally. What do you enjoy? Or what makes you feel good, this will be a good time to nourish yourself with these.

I hear you, and these thoughts of “I’m not good enough.” I don’t know your situation at work and thus cannot comment much. But I have some suggestions to share if you like to consider to see if they can support you:

  1. Get clear on the work expectations - Whatever work that you are engaged in, get clarity on what is expected on you.
  2. Get the right resources - Do you have the right resources to complete your tasks? If not, ask for help.
  3. Don’t do it alone - One of the most important things is social support, do you have that in the workplace, and people that you can lean on?
  4. Lastly, make time to celebrate your achievements

And remember you are not just your work, take time to nourish the other areas of your life too. Also, you don’t have to get it all figured out on your own. Consider reaching out to a professional who may be able to give you a different perspective and alternative ways to approach your situation:

TOUCH Community Services – TOUCHline

  • Emotional support and practical advice are rendered through this youth helpline
  • 1800 377 2252


  • The Community Health Assessment Team (CHAT) provides confidential mental health checks for young persons between 16 and 30 years old, who are currently living in Singapore. They operate CHAT hub, a mental health centre located at *SCAPE and maintains an online presence through their website and webchat.
  • 6493 6500
  • 6493 6501
  • https://www.chat.mentalhealth.sg/

I hope you find the space and strength within.

All the best,