Tonight shall be the last

I have nobody else anymore.

The closest one to my heart also walked out on me, now I don’t blame him cuz if I am him, I wouldn’t choose me too… Sigh.

Tonight, shall be my last.

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I’m really sorry you’re feeling this way. But tomorrow is just going to be better. You are never alone, I am pretty sure your friend will help you going through this. Don’t give up!

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I am done… I do not want to continue anymore.

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Take a rest if you need to. There is no need to push yourself. Life will still be amazing two weeks later. Trust me you will get back your smile.

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Dear @xxtyxx,

I’m so sorry to hear that things are going so wrong and that you’re feeling this way. It must be incredibly painful. :people_hugging: It’s heartbreaking when someone we care about deeply walks out. It’s very kind of you not to hold him accountable, but remember that when a relationship breaks down, both parties have contributed.

When everything seems impossible, it can be hard to choose yourself. I hope you’ll join me in choosing you. :orange_heart: I’m grateful that you chose bravery and reached out here for support. Thank you for reaching out. I care about you and would like to hear everything you’d like to share. I went to look up your other posts and it sounds like marriage has been very challenging. You’re not alone in this struggle. Adjusting to married life can take time and sometimes even longer than we’d like it to.

Please share more with us, and together we’ll find a way forward. You matter and your feelings are valid. We’re here to listen and, if you’d like, to offer support and strategies. Sometimes when our feelings get too intense, talking to someone and hearing a comforting voice can make a difference. If you’d prefer to talk to someone, you can call SOS at their 24-hour hotline: 1767, or reach out to their WhatsApp Care text at 9151 1767.

Your safety and well-being are top priorities. If you ever find yourself considering unsafe options, please just walk into any hospital or call IMH’s 24-hour emergency hotline at 6389 2222. There are people who care about you and want to help you navigate the challenges you are facing.

I hope you’ll hit reply and share with me what challenges have you been facing? Before these challenges came, apart from your partner who else did you enjoy talking to? What were some of the activities that you like to do? What were you like before marriage?

I’ll be waiting for your reply and if you have the strength, try this video out. :smiley:

Take care,
CoolBreeze =)


I’m sorry to hear you’re feeling this way. It sounds incredibly painful and overwhelming. Please reach out to someone who can be there for you right now. Whether it’s a friend, family member, or a crisis hotline, there are people who care about you and want to help.

What specifically has led you to feel this way tonight? Sometimes sharing your thoughts can help lighten the burden.

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hey, im really sorry youre feeling this way. i get how you’re feeling, and i’ve been there too. i know its impossible to see how things would possibly get better but they can. i understand how painful it is to lose someone important to you and grieving is difficult. that being said, i hope you’ll be kind to yourself and choose you. we’re all here for you and cheering you on!


Please give yourself another month.

There’s no hurry.